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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • At least one of the authors holds a PhD.
  • The manuscript follows all the Submission Guidelines available in the "Submissions" section of the website. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be rejected.
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or LibreOffice Writer (.odt) format.
  • All web page addresses (URLs) present in the body of the text or in the references, including links to DOI, are active when clicked (just insert hyperlink with the right mouse button).
  • No form of authorship identification is present in the submission text or file. It is essential to also remove the authorship of the Properties option in Word / LibreOffice, thus guaranteeing blind peer review. More instructions here.
  • The text is original, unpublished and is not under review in another journal or other means of publication.
  • The submission form was duly filled in with the biography of the authors, including current degree and the university from which the degrees were obtained.
  • The submission metadata was filled in correctly and completely, without using abbreviations.
  • Authors are registered on ORCID.
  • The manuscript dialogues with the articles on the same subject already published by the journal. It is necessary to verify if the paper’s theme has not been analyzed in other issues of the journal. If so, a dialogue with the corresponding papers should be carried out, both to corroborate and to oppose what is being supported.
  • The authors have read and agreed with the Copyright Notice (in the “Submissions” section) and the website's Privacy Policy.
  • In case of co-authorship, all authors were identified and have significantly contributed to the construction of the paper. Thus, all of them are able to respond publicly for their authorship (check the journal’s Ethics Policy).

Author Guidelines

Author’s identification

In order to make a submission, one of the authors is required to make their registration on the journal's website, fill in all the requested information and follow the submission guidelines. This author is assigned as Corresponding Author and acts on behalf of all co-authors.

ATTENTION: Authors must inform in their identification their full name and affiliation, which should correspond to the institution and geographic location of the time the research was conducted. Thereby, for example, people who work as educators must indicate the institution where they used to teach and the other researchers must indicate the postgraduate programs in which they were enrolled at the moment the research was in progress. If there are authors without institutional affiliation, they must be identified as "Independent Researchers", including the other items of geographic location in their registration. The geographic information must include the city, state and country. The identification of institutional bodies shall, whenever applicable, indicate the corresponding hierarchical units, as in the examples below:

  • Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Faculdade de Direito, Departamento de Direito Público, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brasil.
  • University of Chicago, Faculty of Law School, Center for Comparative Constitutionalism, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.

For more examples, visit REED's "Editorial Team" page.

Furthermore, the collection of ORCID iDs from corresponding authors is part of the submission process of this journal. Thus, when registering in the journal, the author responsible for the submission must associate his/her ORCID. Similarly, moving on to the submission process, when filling in the co-authorship, it is necessary to check the box "Send e-mail to request ORCID authorization from the co-author", so that the system requests co-author's ORCID address. This option will appear when the co-author is added on the "Co-authors list" available on tab 3 (Submission Data).

If, for any reason, the author responsible for the submission has not associated his/her ORCID at the initial moment of registration in the journal, he/she can do so directly on his/her Profile page. In order to do that, in the upper right corner, hover the mouse over your user and click on "Profile". In the "Public" tab, click on "Create or Associate your ORCID ID"

In the case of joint authorship, all authors must be identified and must have had a significant contribution in the preparation of the manuscript to publicly answer for their authorship.


When submitting articles to REED, authors should declare whether there are external sources of funding for the research reported (universities, funding agencies, non-profit organizations or private sponsorship). In the submission process, this information can be added in the field "Comments to the editor", in tab 1 (Home).

Conflicts of interests

REED encourages authors to report on potential conflict of interests. It means authors should inform whenever there are direct or indirect relationships between them and companies that may be benefited from the research results (see the journal's Ethics Policy). In the submission process, this can be done in the field "Comments to the editor", in tab 1 (Home).

Manuscript preparation

The following rules provide guidance on manuscript preparation. These are general instructions applied to all the manuscripts. Below, there are also instructions specific to each kind of text - papers (including the appropriate template), book reviews, interviews and translations - as well as the rules for citations and references. We invite authors to verify all the formatting guidelines.


Manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and will be published in the original language.


With some remodeling, REED adopts American Psychological Association (APA) reference style (7th edition, 2020). In the event of omission of information in the following instructions, the guidelines of APA should be applied.


A typical paper for this journal should be between 15 and 30 pages in length, including references, endnotes, figures and tables.

Manuscripts whose pages in length differ from what is specified can be accepted on an exceptional basis, at the discretion of the journal's editorial. This specificity should be informed and justified during the submission process, in the field "Comments to the editor", in tab 1 (Home).

Layout, spacing and font

Manuscripts should be typed with 1.5 line spacing (except for abstract and keywords, for which  simple spacing is adopted). The paper size should be 210 mm × 297 mm (A4 format), with margins of 2,5 cm on all sides and justified alignment. The text should be in font type Georgia and font size 11 point.

In the body text, a line of extra spacing should be added only before and after the section titles; before and after direct quotations with more than 40 words; and before and after Tables and Figures.

There is no differentiated spacing between paragraphs and there should be an indentation of 1.25 cm (tab) in the first line of each paragraph 


We recommend using high-quality images, with a resolution of approximately 300 dpi (dots per inch) and uploaded in .JPEG format.

Figures and tables

The words "Figure" and "Table" should always be written with the first letter capitalized and accompanied by their numbers. They should be numbered consecutively as they appear in text. The words "Figure" and "Table" should be in font type Georgia, font size 11 point and bold style. The title of the table or figure should be in font type Georgia, italic style. The body table should also be in font type Georgia and font size 11 point.

It is possible that each figure and table is accompanied by a note, in which additional information is provided to clarify the data presented. It must also contain the source of the information. Both, the note and the source should be in font type Georgia, with justified alignment.

Example of table:

  • Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and should be in fonte size 9.

  • It is mandatory to use italic style in foreign words.

  • It is also possible to use italic style to highlight important words or expressions.

  • The terms apud, op. cit, id. ibidem and others are not allowed as they do not belong to American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.

  • When an abbreviation is used for the first time in the text, the full expression to which it refers must be presented in full and the abbreviation must be inserted next in parentheses. Ex: World Health Organization (WHO).

  • Appendices and annexes should be placed at the very end of the text, after the Reference list. The words "Appendix" or "Annexe" should follow the same rules applied to the first level heading - centered, boldface, uppercase - and should always be accompanied by their respective letters (eg: ANNEX A). Immediately below should come the title of the appendix or annex, centered, italicized and with the first letter capitalized.

References and citations

The following guidelines certainly do not exhaust all the possibilities of citation and reference. Whenever there is an omission in the following instructions, use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020, 7th edition).

Direct quotations

Short quotations (fewer than 40 words) incorporated in the body text should be written in the format author, year, page. It is necessary to add quotation marks around the words. The indication of  autor, year and page number should be in parenthesis - outside of the quotation marks. The end punctuation should be after the closing parenthesis for the citation.


When discussing the nature of a problem, it is necessary to keep in mind that "to see a situation as a social problem is to set in motion a particular form of discourse and to channel policies in a particular direction" (Gusfield, 1989, p. 435).

Direct quotations with 40 words or more
should be formatted as block quotations. Start a block quotation on a new line and indent the whole block 0.5 inches (1,25 cm) from the left margin, maintaining the 1.5 line spacing. The text should be in font size 11. Quotation marks and italic style are not necessary. A line of extra spacing should be added before and after the quotation. The end punctuation should be before the closing parenthesis for the citation.


The other major perspective toward the sociologist’s use of official categories and the criminal statistics compiled under their heading derives less from a concern with etiologically useful schema than from an interest in understanding the actual operations of the administrative legal system. Here the categories of the criminal law are nor regarded as useful or not, as objects to be either adopted, adapted, or ignored; rather, they are seen as constituting the basic conceptual equipment with which such people as judges, lawyers, policemen, and probation workers organize their everyday activities. (Sudnow, 1965, p. 255)

If the quotation refers to more than one page:

(Sudnow, 1965, p. 255-256)

If a paper has two authors:

(Vargas & Motta, 2009)

If a paper has three authors:

(Mears, Cochran, & Cullen, 2015)

If a paper has four or more authors:

(Falavigna et al., 2014)

two or more references are cited together in the text they should be placed in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons (";"). Example:

(Garland, 2014; Goffman, 2008; Zaffaroni, 1996)



  • The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order, with single spacing between lines, left alignment and an indentation of 1.25 cm (tab) from the second line onwards.

  • When listing authors use an ampersand (&) instead of "and".

  • Between each reference there should be a one-line space.

  • It is not allowed to replace the names of the authors in the references with “______” when they are repeated. 

  • All web links and URLs present in the body text or in the references,  including links to DOI, should be active when clicked. The process to do that is simple: you just need to insert the hyperlink with the right mouse button or press Enter or space after typing each link.


a) Article within a journal should have the journal's name and the volume number written in italic style, but not the edition number. When the DOI link is available, it is mandatory to insert it in the reference.

Falavigna, G., Ippoliti, R., Manello, A., & Ramello, G. B. (2014). Judicial productivity, delay and efficiency: A Directional Distance Function (DDF) approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 240(2), 592-601. 

Mears, D.P., Cochran, J.C., & Cullen, F.T. (2015). Incarceration heterogeneity and its implications for assessing the effectiveness of imprisonment on recidivism. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 26(7), 691-712. 

Vargas, J. O., & Motta, F. H. R. (2009). Reincidência: uma agravante não recepcionada. Revista Magister de Direito Penal e Processual Penal, 6(32), 10-26.


b) Book names should be written in italic style.

Garland, D. (2014). A cultura do controle: crime e ordem social na sociedade contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: Revan.

Goffman, E. (2008). Estigma: Notas sobre a manipulação da identidade deteriorada. Rio de Janeiro: LTC.


c) In a book chapter or an article within a book, the book's name should be written in italic style.

Maraschin, C. (2005). Redes de conversação como operadores de mudanças estruturais na convivência. In N. M. C. Pellanda, E. T. M. Schlünzen, & K. Schlüzen Jr. (Orgs.), Inclusão digital: tecendo redes afetivas/cognitivas (pp. 135-143).

d) Congress or conference presentation with an abstract published in proceedings: the publication type and the name of the event should be written in italic style.

Iyengar, S. S., & DeVoe, S. E. (2003). Rethinking the value of choice: considering cultural mediators of intrinsic motivation [Abstract]. In R. Dienstbier (ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol. 49. Cross-cultural differences in perspectives on the self (pp. 129-174), Lincoln, Nebraska.

Theses and dissertations should have their titles written in italic style:

Miranda, C. (2019). Exploring the lived experiences of foster youth who obtained graduate level degrees: Self-efficacy, resilience, and the impact on identity development. [Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University]. 

f) Groups or organizations as authors: the publication's title should be in italic style.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7ª ed.).

Magazine article: the number of pages should be indicated with “p.” or “pp.” and discontinuous pages should be separated with commas.

Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4. 

Article in electronic journal

Brody, J. E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brain agile. The New York Times. 

Webpage on a news website (with missing author):

Avramova, N. (2019, 3 de janeiro). The secret to a long, happy, healthy life? Think agepositive. CNN.

Webpage (with no date). 

National Nurses United. (n.d.). What employers should do to protect nurses from Zika.

Webpage designed to change over time: when contents of a page are designed to change over time but are not archived, the reference should include a retrieval date.

U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). U.S. and world population clock. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved February 15,  2021, from

Legal sources


Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. (2001). (21st ed.). Saraiva.

Cited in text: (Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, 1988/2001) or Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (1988/2001).


Law nº 8.666,  June 21, 1993. (1993, July 6). Regulamenta o art. 37, inciso XXI, da Constituição Federal, institui normas para licitações e contratos da Administração Pública e dá outras providências. Presidência da República.

Cited in text:
(Law n. 8.666, 1993) or Law n.8.666 (1993)

Reference: Mental Health Systems Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9401 (1988). 

Cited in text: Mental Health Systems Act (1988).


Learn more about the APA style here and here.


Guidelines for articles

  • Title page presenting a title, abstract and keywords. If the publication is not in English, the title page must contain the title, abstract and keywords in the original language, followed by the same items in English.
  • The title of the article should be centered and written in bold style.
  • Abstract should contain a maximum of 100-250 words. The abstract should be a single paragraph, without indentation in the first line and with single spacing between lines. The word "Abstract" should be written in bold style and left-aligned.
  • Three to five pertinent keywords need to be added after the abstract, written in lowercase and separated by semicolons. The keywords should be closely related to the theme developed in the paper and may include expressions with more than one word that are not usually used separately. The term "KEYWORDS:" must precede the mentioned keywords and must be written in capital letter, bold style and aligned to the left. 
  • The titles of the first level sections should be centered and written in bold style and with uppercase letters. The titles of the second level sections should be left aligned, written in bold style and with uppercase letters. The titles of the third and subsequent sections should be left aligned, written in italic style and with uppercase letters. 



Guidelines for translations

This topic covers translations of relevant and unavailable articles, essays and interviews in Portuguese. The submitted collaborations must present the title and the name(s) of the persons designated as authors and those designated as translators. The text must be accompanied by a digitalized copy of the original used in the translation, as well as the digital authorization of those responsible for translation and those designated as authors of the publication. Translations should be between 15 and 30 pages long.


Guidelines for reviews

This section is open for book reviews and other analysis that are relevant to empirical legal studies. The aim of the reviews is to evaluate the book's overall usefulness to the audience it is intended for. 

The submission is expected to bring a critical review of publications from Brazil (up to two years ago) or from other countries (up to five years ago). The review must guide readers on the characteristics of the publication analyzed, with a brief summary of the it's strengths and weaknesses. Reviews should be between 3 and 10 pages long.


Guidelines for interviews

This section covers interviews with authors, recognized authorities in the academic field and other personalities that contribute to the debate in the empirical legal studies field. The submitted interviews should inform the name(s) of the interviewed persons and the interviewers. It should also contain a presentation no longer than 1 page. It is also necessary to attach a file with a digital authorization of the interviewed persons, in which they agree with the publication.


Open Science Practices

Open science practices aim to provide greater transparency and reproducibility to scientific research. In addition, these practices promote and facilitate the sharing and reuse of data in scientific work. Considering that the Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies takes good, transparent, reproducible and open science very seriously, the following recommendations are adopted in this journal:

  • Reviewers responsible for evaluating the manuscript may have their names published in the final paper. Their identity, however, will not be revealed during the evaluation process. Only in cases of approval of the articles will the identity of these people be revealed, which will only occur if they authorize it.
  • Data, codes and other content underlying papers must be cited and referenced. In addition, it is strongly recommended that the cited content should be safely and openly available in parallel with the publication of the article.


This section contains articles that have been approved in the peer review process and by the editorial committee of the Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Research.


This section presents selected translations for publication by the editorial committee of the Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Research.  It publishes both translated texts that were referred to directly by the editorial committee and those that were submitted by a third party for an evaluation by the journal.


This section is open for the submission of reviews of important works that are relevant to empirical legal research. 


Entrevistas realizadas com autores(as), autoridades reconhecidas no campo acadêmico e outras personalidades que contribuam para o debate dos estudos empíricos em direito. As entrevistas devem conter o(s) nome(s) das pessoas entrevistadas e das pessoas entrevistadoras  e uma apresentação de, no máximo, uma página. Pede-se também que seja enviada a autorização digitalizada das pessoas entrevistadas ), concordando com a publicação do material.

Privacy Statement

Access the journal's website Privacy Policy here.