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Vol. 10 (2023): Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito

The judicialization of the occupational accident and jurisdictional competence in brazil

February 11, 2022


This article aimed to identify the reasons for the judicialization of occupational accidents, discussing the possible effects of the unification of jurisdictional competencies on the judicialization of occupational accidents in Brazil. The question that guided this research was: What is the rate of accidental claims for disability retirement and sickness benefit filed against the National Institute of Social Security, judged by the 16th and 17th Chambers of Public Law of the Court of Justice of São Paulo in the years of 2017 and 2018 that the Federal Court had at some point processed and how such that index relates to the principles of greater celerity and due jurisdiction in the face of the non-unification of competences? The hypothesis that the minority of cases judged in the period indicated by the Chambers had, at some point, been processed by the Federal Court was confirmed, given the processing by the Federal Court of 8% of the cases judged in the second instance by the TJSP, which is equivalent to 242 cases. Such cases, as they are processed in different courts, had a longer duration when compared to similar cases of exclusive processing by state competence, reducing the effectiveness of the jurisdictional provision, which would have been avoided with the unification of competences. To this end, 3,123 cases judged by the TJSP were analyzed using the analysis of decisions, consisting of the collection of judgments handed down by the judges of the 16th and 17th Chambers of Public Law, which have specific competence to judge only accident claims in the years 2017 and 2018.


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